Senin, 31 Juli 2017



     Leonita Giti Aqila, that's my name. You can call me Leo or Lele. I was born in Jakarta, on 15 February 2002. My mother and my father came from Cilacap. My mother was born in Rangkasbitung, and my father was born in Cilacap. My mother and my father spent their childhood in Cilacap. They were classmate in their elementary school. My Father was a soldier.

     When I was two years old, we get moved to Bandung. We get moved to Bogor when I was three years old. Little Leo was a spoiled child. Every weekend my father always takes me to the doll store. He buys me some doll. I spent my childhood in Bogor. My sister was born in Bogor, on 18 March 2008. She was born when I was six years old.

Recommendations Letter ❤

Recommendations Letter ❤ Hello!  Let me introduce my beautiful  moody student . She is Putri Kholy Nurillah, you can call her Pukhol....