Minggu, 03 Maret 2019

Recommendations Letter ❤

Recommendations Letter ❤

Hello! Let me introduce my beautiful moody student. She is Putri Kholy Nurillah, you can call her Pukhol. She want to be a doctor and I want to recommend her some opinion.

Dear future Pukhol,
I'm very supporting your dream.You want to be a medical student in Padjajaran University, or a medical medical student in Airlangga University, or a psychology student at Padjajaran University. But why don't you try to be a medical or psychology student at University of Indonesia. Why? because University of Indonesia has the best medical education in Indonesia. If you work hard and do your best, I believe you can be a medical student at University of Indonesia.

About your weakness, I believe you can covered your weakness by your strength. If you're always remember about your dreams, I believe you can manage your laziness and not easily give up. I approve your strength, you're a curious person and memorize something easily.

That's all. Thank you for reading my recommendations letter for Pukhol. I wish I can inspire you.

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Recommendations Letter ❤

Recommendations Letter ❤ Hello!  Let me introduce my beautiful  moody student . She is Putri Kholy Nurillah, you can call her Pukhol....