Minggu, 04 November 2018

The Lunchbox

       We usually buys street food at school. It's quite simple for us as student. We don't have to bring it from home, and after we finished we can easily throw it into the dustbin. But we don't know about the hygiene and the nutrition in the food. Some of the street food have more disadvantages than the advantages. The advantages, such as toxic was supplied by a dirty food. That's why we should bring our lunchbox by our self from home.

       To bring their own lunchbox to school are also an opportunity to start learning to live a healthy life. Why? There are so many reason to be concerned but though most important one was the student may consume less nutrition food if they keep buying food from street food since nobody could ensured the nutrient content from street food is more than homemade food.

       Lunchbox isn't only for your healthy life but also for your money. Why? Because when you bring lunchbox to the school or office, your money will be stored. Then your money can be spent for another necessary.

       Lunchbox to school can reduce waste. If every student in the school didn't bring lunchbox, every student need to buy food and create waste at lunch time. If there are a thousand students at the school, they'll throw away a thousand disposable plastic or styrofoam. If there are 40 school in the city, they'll throw away 40 thousand trash which is undegradable. The city will flooded by undegradable trash.

       So, we better to bring lunchbox to school rather than buy food at the school. It's because the food street isn't very healthy, and we can save money too. The money that we saved will be used for another necessary. Lunchbox can reduce waste too.

Note : passive sentences

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